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  • Collection: La Sainte Bible (1846)

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying young Jesus in the Holy Temple discussing with the elders

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Job on the dung heap visited by his friends

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Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Daniel praying while surrounded by paeaceful lions, the light of God shining above him

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Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Christ in front of Lazarus' tomb, resurrecting him. They are surrounded by men and women, witnessing the miracle.

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Christ apparently refusing the prayers of a pagan woman, whose is asking him to cure her ill child

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Abraham banishing Agar and Ishmael from the village

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Judith just before she kills Holophernes: she has a sword in her hand, and Holophernes is sleeping on the bed behind her
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