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Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Moses with joined hands, making water gush out from rocks, while the Jews and a dog are drinking and collecting it

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Moses with joined hands, making water gush out from rocks, while the Jews and a dog are drinking and collecting it

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Jesus in the olive grove embraced by an Angel, just before being betrayed by Judas

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Jesus in the olive grove embraced by an Angel, just before being betrayed by Judas

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Mary and Joseph escaping to Egypt. Mary is riding a donkey while holding Christ, and Joseph is conducting the donkey on a rocky mountain road

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying young Jesus in the Holy Temple discussing with the elders

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Mary and Joseph escaping to Egypt. Mary is riding a donkey while holding Christ, and Joseph is conducting the donkey on a rocky mountain road

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying young Jesus in the Holy Temple discussing with the elders

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Job on the dung heap visited by his friends

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Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Daniel praying while surrounded by paeaceful lions, the light of God shining above him

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