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  • Collection: La Sainte Bible (1846)

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying the return of Tobie

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Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Solomon ordering his guards to cut in half a child that two women claimed as their own

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), characters clinging to a tree in a rocky landscape under a stormy sky streaked with lightning

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Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying the killing of Abel by Cain

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Samuel getting the Lord's call, with Eli by his side

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Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying David playing his harp for a distraught Saul

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Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying the Philistine capturing Samson after Delila betrayed him

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Rebecca quenching Eliezer at a well

Illustration from the book "La Sainte Bible" (1846), portraying Moses with joined hands, making water gush out from rocks, while the Jews and a dog are drinking and collecting it
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